1. How long does delivery take?
    Standard delivery takes 3-7 business days. Express shipping options are available at checkout.
  2. Can I modify or cancel my order after placing it?
    Orders can be modified or canceled within 24 hours. Contact support for assistance.
  3. Do you offer gift wrapping?
    Yes, gift wrapping options are available during checkout.
  4. What if I receive a damaged item?
    Contact our support team immediately for assistance with replacements or refunds.
  5. Do you provide warranty on electronics?
    Yes, electronics come with a standard 1-year warranty.
  6. Are there any membership or loyalty programs?
    Yes, sign up for our loyalty program to earn points and receive exclusive discounts.
  7. How can I apply a discount code?
    Enter the discount code at checkout before completing your purchase.
  8. Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?
    Yes, address changes can be made within 12 hours of placing the order.
  9. Do you have physical store locations?
    Currently, piedroyal operates online only.
  10. How do I contact customer support?
    Reach us at info@piedroyal.com

Need More Help?

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us at:
Email: info@piedroyal.com
Live Chat: Available from 9 AM to 6 PM (Mon-Fri)